TEC Level 2 Teamwork and Personal Development in the Community

The Teamwork and Personal Development in the Community is an active and engaging qualification which allows learners to develop an understanding of teamwork and communication skills and a variety of methods of instruction. Learners will develop a number of personal attributes through active learning. The qualification will equip learners with the skills and knowledge recognised as important by society and employers while learning in a volunteering context. Learners will develop a range of teamwork, communication, professional and personal skills and methods of instruction that are essential transferable skills across a wide range of career choices.

Attainment levels and learning duration:

* Certificate (15 credits – 1 year provision)

* Extended Certificate (30 credits – 1 year provision)

Year One Units

Unit 1: Teamwork and Communication Skills (Mandatory unit – 10 credits)

The aim of this unit is to enable learners to develop an understanding of teamwork and communication skills and a variety of methods of instruction. Learners will also explore teamwork and communication skills via hands-on activities, enabling them to meet the needs of uniformed organisations.

Unit 4: Improving Health and Fitness in Uniformed Organisations (10 credits)

This unit aims to enable learners to gain knowledge of the major body systems and an understanding of the effects of basic nutrition and lifestyle factors for participation in uniformed organisations. It also develops learners’ skills in taking part in fitness tests and improving their personal health.

Unit 7: Expedition Skills (10 credits)

The aim of this unit is to develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of the skills needed in planning for an expedition, including the equipment required. Learners will also be able to plan and carry out an expedition in a uniformed organisation context.

Level 2 Certificate – 601/4068/9

The Pearson BTEC Level 2 Certificate in Teamwork and Personal Development in the Community is a 15-credit and 90-guided-learning-hour (GLH) qualification that consists of one mandatory unit plus optional units that provide for a combined total of 15 credits.

The assessment method is portfolio of evidence and students can attain a pass. This will equate to 46 performance points and 20 level 2 threshold points.

Level 2 Extended Certificate – 601/4184/0

The Pearson BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate in Teamwork and Personal Development in the Community is a 30-credit and 180-guided-learning-hour (GLH) qualification that consists of one mandatory unit plus optional units that provide for a combined total of 30 credits.
The assessment method is portfolio of evidence and students can attain a pass. This will equate to 92 performance points and 40 level 2 threshold points.